Huon Aquaculture is a Tasmanian Salmon Farming company aimed at sustainable processes towards Salmon farming. Utilizing ethical farming and sustainable practices to provide the highest quality salmon. From selective breeding brood stock for egg production to processing their salmon to your plate.
Huon produce their salmon from hatcheries, nurseries and marine farms to be processed. The hatcheries continuously care for their Salmon, from the moment they are hand-milked from the brood fish, throughout the hatching process until they are ready to go to sea. The nurseries are where the fish move onto from the hatcheries, grown in onshore facilities as they aim for their salmon to spend less than 12 months at sea. The marine farms are where the fish are grown are in three marine regions; Huon and D’Entrecasteaux Channel – where it all began, the Macquarie Harbour – with a unique mix of fresh and salt water and offshore Bruny Island’s Storm Bay – containing the roughest farmable waters in the world. Once the Salmon are grown, they are processed with a state-of-the-art smokehouse and product innovation centre – processing must occur before going to market utilizing equipment awarded by the RSPCA UK.
Certified internationally from world class farming to strict packaging and food safety standards. Huon have received the ASC certification, endorsing environmental and social processes. The Global G.A.P, a pre-farm gate standard that covers whole production of produce from hatcheries until the point of packing. The British Retail Consortium (BRC), as an A-rated seafood processor, this certification requires specific requirements to be met to enable production, packaging, storage and distribution of products, as well as receiving export certifications. Huon Aquaculture also provide their salmon to restaurants all across the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia. Huon stand by sustainability and ethical farming throughout all processes. This involves, ensuring their fish are healthy and treated well, respecting the environment and its natural inhabitants, providing a safe and respectful staff workplace as well as building and maintaining social acceptance in operating communities. Their salmon are also raised to mirror the natural life of salmon in the wild, fed the highest quality feed, in spacious enclosures and raised in the crystal-clear waters of Tasmania.
Huon also aims to increase transparency within the Seafood Farming Industry, surrounding its operations, environmental footprint and sustainable processes. Huon aims to create a direct link to the science and monitoring their operations, and the public. Huon Aquaculture are also a part of the Global Salmon Initiative (GSI), bringing together global farmed Salmon producers and industry stakeholders to improve the sustainability of Salmon Farming. Huon also cooperate to continue to represent a different source of animal protein in terms of contribution to human health, environmental responsibility, and efficient feed conversion rate as well as translating environmental and social sustainability through an enhanced social license and market acceptance. The GSI plan to offer a solution to the increasing demand for protein in the coming years.
Huon Salmon Farms also developed a bird safety program with Raptor & Wildlife Refuge to safely free and entangled bird from their double-netted enclosures. These enclosures also prevent seals from entering and getting trapped, giving the salmon plenty of room and safety to allow the Salmon to build and maintain cohesive communities.